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A non-profit 501(c)(3) informal education program developed in an effort to introduce young men and women, ages 12-18, to marine science education through underwater exploration.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Most interesting thing learned about Belize and its reefs

Today I have spent 7 days in Belize. I have had an amazing time and learned a bunch. The diving has been unbelievable, and the hospitality has been incredible. The most interesting thing I learned about the island is that it is an atoll that was formed by the two crusts, the Caribbean and the North American crust, rubbing against each other called a slip fault and over time they formed small risen areas that eventually formed these atolls. Another thing I learned was the whole area of Glover’s Reef is a marine reserve that is regulated by the marine fisheries department. They as a whole regulate what activities can be done around the area like fishing, diving, or research. They try to make sure none of the coral is damaged and that conchs, lobster and fish are kept at a healthy level. It makes me happy to know that they are helping to keep this magnificent area preserved. Without them, this beautiful place would not have as many coral species and fish biodiversity that we have today. The most incredible thing I learned about the reefs in the surrounding area is that there are over 750 patch reefs. That is such an awe-inspiring number. The amount of reef sizes is way different from the reefs in Florida. There is a significant decrease of the sizes and abundance of reefs in Florida so being here makes me feel I have been highly privileged. I never want to leave and I want to know even more about other areas that surround this region!

~Sebastian DiGeronimo, St. Petersburg SCUBAnaut Chapter

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Coral Disease in Belize

 Thought I would talk about my day today on Glovers Reef Marine Reserve. Today we did three dives, coming back to the island between each island for our surface interval. Between our first two dives, my science project partner (Brooke Liston) and I typed up the data that we collected the night before and started to plan how our project was going to come together as we collect more data.  Between dives, we took a canoe to a patch reef off of the island and completed two 10-meter AGRRA Belt Transects while snorkeling. Today we accumulated 6 more surveys towards our science project. For our project, we are correlating diseases and bleaching on corals to water depth. We are also taking other factors such as pH, temperature, salinity, and species of coral into consideration.  These environmental parameters are measured in triplicate at each location by 2 other ‘nauts, Jeremy and Danny.   
So far, have had some “problems” coming up with a large quantity of diseased or bleached corals in our data.  While this is great for the Belize coral population, it makes our project a little more difficult!  We do see diseases on almost every dive when swimming around but not always on our transect. We are looking for 8 types of diseases and I hope we have collected enough at each depth to make conclusions.

-Conner Hutchisson

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Changes in fish diversity with depth

Over the past three days we have had the opportunity to dive parts of a single reef that all lie at different depths. At 90 feet, the reef is a vertical wall of coral. The wall is made up of various Montastrea spp. corals.  Generally, small fish are absent at this depth and larger fish are present.  Oddly enough on our most recent deep dive we found mainly smaller fish.  At 60 feet, the reef is the top of the wall.  Here, fish diversity and abundance was greater than at 90 feet. At 30 feet is the very top of the reef, where sand meets the edge of the reef, and the fish abundance and diversity is greatest. The smaller fish are much more abundant than larger fish.  Also, most of the juveniles are found at around 30 feet.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 3 of Our Glover's Reef Belize Adventure

It has only been day 3, yet us nauts have finished a ton of science! Every day we learn something new, something exciting, and something "unbelizeable" that will last us forever. For instance, last night we were blessed with a clear sky (one without rain) and were able to look up...up into a night sky like no other. Above our heads we could see a deep, black blanket with thousands of clustering stars twinkling down at us. Thanks to Carlie and her i-pad, we were able to locate the Ursa Major (the Big Dipper), the Polaris (the North Star), and other constellations, such as Virgo. Our nights are just as interesting as our days.

Today, we were given the challenge to learn about the Glover's Reef marine reserve and what exactly made it up. To start things off, a reserve is a given area protected by a government where nature can do what it does best, unharmed with little human interaction. Glover's Reef has been maintained by the Wildlife Conservation Society for three decades by a group of very hardworking people. In order to protect the reefs in the reserve, people are not allowed to fish unless they have a permit and poaching is out of the question. Although tourists can visit the research station here in Belize, there are certain areas that are restricted. With good reason too, because according to a staff member here, a major reason for this station was to help restore Nassau Grouper in the vicinity. A few of us have already fleetingly seen some and that's the way we'd like to keep it. Who knows what we will be able to see tomorrow?
~Jessica Silk

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stormy morning but having a great time!

We woke up to a ferocious thunderstorm with rain and bright lightning.  Everyone in a hammock got soaked.

Even though there was a storm, the visibility during dives was still 60 feet +.  Corals at depth were flatter and smaller.  They have to collect sunlight so they need to have more surface area and they are smaller because they don't have as many nutrients.  Corals at shallower depths were more boulder-like.  Fish at depth compared to shallower dives were not as differing.  Gobies were more abundant at depth. 

At the end of our last beautiful dive we got to swim with 4 adult dolphins.  During the night we went over Powerpoints on Belize and Stars/Constalations.  On the dock we viewed them with amazement.  

~Sofia Alaniz and Makenzie Burrows

Saturday, June 23, 2012

SCUBAnauts arrive in Belize!

Brooke conducting an AGRRA point count survey
Hello, the SCUBAnauts have arrived in Belize! We got to drive though Belize city. We saw the poorest and richest parts of Belize. Since our currency is twice as strong, most of the Belize citizens are poor in our standards. After a three hour boat ride, we arrived at Glover's Reef Marine Research Center. We went on our first dive an hour after we arrived. It was off the dock in about twelve feet of water. Even though it was just a small patch reef, it was full of life. At home we have to go about thirty miles offshore to see the amount of coral and life we saw in twelve feet. The corals here are much bigger, and there is a greater diversity of fish and corals. We met the staff on the island and they are really friendly and helpful. Also, the food is delicious. We had a great first day, and we look forward to many more unbelizable days! 

~Ashley Hilbert and Brooke Liston, Tarpon Spring SCUBAnauts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Capitol Hill Ocean Week: NMSF Awards Dinner

Another wonderful night celebrating the oceans with an amazing group of role models for our next generation of ocean scientists, stewards and explorers.  To start off the night, our SCUBAnauts had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the NOAA Administrator, and Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, the deputy administrator for NOAA.  Our youth greatly appreciated the time and the interest they took in learning about their student research projects.  The students, in turn, learned about some of NOAA's big initiatives and also had the opportunity to learn what it was like to be a NASA Astronaut from Dr. Sullivan (the first woman to talk in space).

Monday, June 4, 2012

Celebrating World Ocean Day!

The SCUBAnauts love the ocean! In celebration of World Oceans Day 2012 (June 8th), the nauts are taking on Washington D.C. for Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) hosted by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.  SCUBAnauts will discuss current ocean issues with Members of Congress and Congressional Staff, as well as experts from federal, state and local government agencies, industry, academia, and the nonprofit community.  SCUBAnauts International is a Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) U.S. Partner focused on collecting data in the marine environment.  During CHOW, SCUBAnauts will engage with students from around the world through virtual conferences to discuss ocean-related issues.  The goal of this program is to provide a diverse group of young men and women with the opportunity, knowledge and tools to become the next generation of ocean explorers, stewards, and scientists. 

Follow along as SCUBAnauts post their reflections throughout the week of June 6-9th, 2012.

PLEASE POST A COMMENT (no login required), Tell us why do you love the ocean, and what are you doing in celebration of World Oceans Day? (please include your geographical location e.g., St. Petersburg, FL USA).